Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On the first day of Christmas

Christmas started on the 23rd for us. Kyle kicked Emilyn and I out of the house for what was supposed to be the day. He had a secret project to work on and needed us out of the way. I took the opportunity to visit Grandma and had her teach me the fine art of making traditional Norwegian Christmas krumkaka. It was amazing to watch her work. As I watched, she told me how her mother-in-law gave her the recipe, iron, and roller over 30 years ago and tutored the girls in how to make the traditional dessert. She has made them every year since then. After a few demonstrations, Grandma gave me a turn at the skillet. Mine definitely didn't turn out as uniform and pretty as hers, but maybe that will come with 30 years of practice.

Later Emi and I went to Mom's to wait out the rest of the day speculating what Kyle could be working on at home. As the hours crept by I became more and more impatient. He finally called around 7:00 and said I could come home at 11:00. I decided to just stay the night at Mom's rather than drive back to town that late. Kyle said that would be better because there were still some pretty strong fumes in the house. Jeff, Kevin, and Jen got in from Portland and Puyallup later that night. It was fun to be there when they got in. We stayed up way too late making bets on Kyle's project and woke up the next morning to a great breakfast. I haven't stayed the night at Mom's in a long time, I felt like I was 12 all over again...only in a good way.

Emilyn and I finally packed up and headed home later that morning. We were welcomed by a dishwasher and new kitchen counters! I just about a good way. I know it sounds lame, but after living without a dishwasher for as long as I have you come to appreciate the things most people take for granted. Kyle had worked long into the night making sure the dishwasher was installed correctly and all hooked up by the time I got home. What a guy!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Things

I have officially been on summer "vacation" for 11 days now and I am a firm believer that time goes faster when not at school. I am loving being able to stay home and spend more time with my Emmers. I did my yearly dismantling of the classroom and was able to get some closure on the school year. Yeah!

Here is Emilyn "helping" take things down.

Emilyn is now very much into crawling around, pulling herself up onto things and cruising around. Which is incredibly liberating for her, but equally nerve wracking for me. She has taken a few little spills and gotten some little bumps and bruises to show for it. I didn't realize how un-baby proof my house is! (and how dirty my floors are - yikes, we now do baths more frequently)

She has figured out that if she stands on her tiptoes and stretches she can just barely reach the top of my desk to discover all kinds of fun things.

There are all kinds of new things growing in my garden. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of some fresh peas, cucumbers, and squash later this summer. Here's to hoping I can keep things alive that long! Here is the master gardener at work, little miss green thumb.

For my birthday, Kyle got me a new camera. Yeah! I took a bunch of pictures, but when I put them on the computer quite a few of them had weird lines through them. Not so yeah. Back to Costco we go. Grrr.

With the hot weather, we couldn't resist getting Emi her own little pool. Even though the water was pretty cold, she LOVED it! She cried when I took her out.

Emilyn loves her cousins (okay so that's not so new, but I couldn't resist putting this one in).

And one last one...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My new favorite picture

Loving to stand up

Sleepy time with Teddy

Emilyn's new favorite thing is to pull herself up and stand in her crib.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Brace yourselves for what I am about to say...I know this may create quite the stir and people will think I am crazy but I just have to get it out there. I don't really care for Memorial Day. There, I said it. Finally it's off my chest. I love what Memorial Day stands for. I think there should be more days to honor the men and women who have served our country and I definitely appreciate the freedoms afforded because of their sacrifices. But it bothers me that so many people see it as just a day off. A day to BBQ or a weekend to go camping. To those of you I know who have served or are currently serving, I extend my deepest gratitude. To Scott, Jeremy, Phil, Nick, Kyle's family members, my uncles, my grandpas, my dad. I thank you.

For me Memorial Day is an emotional day. As a kid we had a tradition of going to the cemetery to put flowers on my Grandpa Engle's grave. As we admired all the U.S. flags lining the roads in the cemetery we would stand there as a family and my dad would pray. Now I am the one standing over my dad's grave praying.

Even though it's been almost 10 years I still have an incredibly difficult time seeing his name written on that headstone. It's just so cold, so permanent. I know my dad and grandpas are in a better place because of what they believed, but it doesn't make me miss them less.

When I have managed to muster up the courage to go to the cemetery I end up standing there sobbing and blubbering like a baby. My eyes are red and puffy for days afterward and I get what I call a crying headache. I hate it. Last year the count of graves to visit went up again as we added Grandpa Skaufel...which made it even harder.

I didn't go this year, to the graveyard. I feel terribly guilty for not going. I know people in our family keep tabs on who has been there by the kinds of flowers or vases that are left. They are going to know I didn't go. Maybe they will understand.

Kristen sent me an email this week with pictures of various military moments. The one that got me was a picture of a boy being presented with a flag by a military gentleman wearing white gloves and a hat. the boy looks about 9 or 10 at the most, sharply dressed in a suit and tie, he is stoically standing there accepting the flag, but you can tell by the look on his face he is struggling to accept the fact his dad is gone. The extent to what people go through for our country amazes me. To the families of all our military personnel, I thank you.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Contrary to what you may think from the title of this post, we did not do Bloomsday. I used to do it every year with cousin Stephanie and Grandma. We wore fanny packs filled with candy as "fuel" that gives you an idea of how long ago it was. Then it got popular and everyone started doing it. So I quit. Hey, don't give me a hard time and ask "why didn't you do it?" I put my time in people, now I get to be the one to laugh at the crazies the day after who complain about being sore. All for a shirt that you wear once before it becomes a good candidate for new pajamas.

We did however go to Uncle Neal and Aunt Jo's for the annual Bloomsday BBQ. It was fun seeing the fam. Grandma's brood of great-grandkids is growing rapidly. The number is up to 7 now! Here she is with all of them.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reduce Reuse Recycle!

I just had to put this one up. She fits so nicely in the recycle bin and loved having Kyle pull her around in circles on the kitchen floor.

Emilyn Discovers Grass

So Emilyn and I played outside awhile back when it was super nice and warm. Until then she hadn't experienced grass. Keep in mind that she is very oral and puts everything in her mouth and what won't fit in her mouth she licks. You will just have to look at the picture to see what she thought of her first encounter with grass.

"Hi Mom! I love it outside!"

"Ooh what's all this green stuff? I am so excited, something new to discover!"

"I better check it out."

"It would probably be a good idea to taste it."

"This stuff isn't too bad."

"Actually on second thought..."

"What was I thinking?! What kind of terrible crap is this? It better do something amazing for my figure."

Monday, April 13, 2009


Emilyn had a great first Easter. Saturday we went out to my mom's for the annual egg hunt she puts on for all the nieces, nephews, grand kids, or really any kid even remotely related to our family. The entire hunt lasted all but about 15 minutes, and the kids had fun despite the rain. Emilyn stayed inside for most of it.

World's cutest nephew, Gus!

World's cutest niece, Amelia!

Sunday we got up and went to church then headed to Kyle's parents for lunch. Claire made a fabulous meal as usual. Auntie Liz took Emilyn out to the rabbit hutch to see the bunnies. She loved watching them and laughed when she would touch their soft fur.

The family

Unfortunately I had to spend most of the afternoon working on my literature review for my research paper, but not before we got some fun pictures of Emi wearing the bunny ears. I know it's cruel, but I couldn't resist. Can anyone say chubby bunny?

Serenading us at the piano

Let's eat!

The loves of my life

Everyone keeps saying just wait, next year she will be running around with all the other kids hunting for eggs. A few months ago I couldn't wait for her hold her head up, smile, sit up, eat solid foods and all the other milestones. With every new development I keep looking towards the next one. I realized the other day that although it will be exciting when she can crawl, talk, or feed herself, I will never get this time with her again. I am having to force myself to slow down and soak in what she is right now- at this very savor the little noises she makes, to pause a little longer as I cuddle with her at bedtime, to let her take things in at her own pace. Because the pace of life around her sure seems to be going pretty fast.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

President's Day Weekend

Ok, so I know this was back in February- I apologize for my tardy posting, but I made no guarantees when I started this blog, so complaints will not be accepted. Back on President's Day weekend we headed to the other side of the state to visit family. Kyle and I realized on the way over that it was the same time one year ago that we took the same trip just after we found out we were pregnant. This trip last year, I remember feeling like crap all weekend and making excuses as to why I had to go to the bathroom all the time. We had gone out to dinner with my brothers at this really cool restaurant. They both just had to order some Cajun pasta dish that smelled HORRIBLE! All I could think during dinner was, "please don't throw up, please don't throw up". My how things change in a year! This year we had a little one in the car seat behind us. We had a great time hanging out with Jeff, Kevin and Jen again. We were also able to meet Jeff's girlfriend Crystal.

Emilyn was introduced to her Great Grandma, as well as her great uncle, great aunts, and cousins. We had a fabulous time catching up with Kyle's family and enjoying some of Aunt Leslie's tasty tacos.

Kevin and Jen, owners of the Engle Inn-Puyallup Branch. We were able to stay in the Scott Suite again this year and enjoyed the excellent cuisine as usual. What wonderful hosts!

Jeff and Emi

Taking a walk at Point Defiance (Jeff, Crystal, Kevin, Jen, Kyle & Emilyn)

Emilyn meets GG, and Kyle's shaggy beard...yeah, I don't miss that. Thank goodness the beard trimmer "broke" and he had to shave it all.

Happy Girl

Monday, March 30, 2009

Costco Reflections

To celebrate the official first day of spring break, Kyle and I took Emilyn to Costco. Wahoo! I am not used to running errands in the middle of the day, but when I do I am always impressed with the number of people out and about. Who knew that it would be so busy at 11:30 on a week day. What does the rest of the world do all day? Don't they have jobs or something? I know they can't all be teachers on spring break (although I did see Melanie and Jonah, but that's only 1 in a huge crowd).

Anyhow, we got our things and decided to treat ourselves to a Costco lunch. Kyle just had to get a sausage dog. Ugh. Whenever he does that, I can smell it on his breath for a week. It's the sausage that just keeps going. I guess you get your money's worth that way.

I think someone should do a study on Costco food court culture. (I really only say that because I am taking an Ed. Research class and have research on the brain). There are never enough tables for everyone and all the food is Costco sized portion, hence you can't eat it easily in the car (plus it's bad enough that Kyle's breath smells like sausage, I really don't want that aroma in my car as well) so you are forced to eat there. Well, you know how it goes, you stand there scaning the tables hoping to find two seats together and hope beyond everyhing that it isn't next to the crazy looking people and their gross kids who are running around screaming.

Today we ended up next to a nice looking older couple. They immediately commented on how happy our little boy was (they must not have seen the flowers on Emilyn's bib and sleeves, but to their defense it was a tealish blue shirt with brown pants). Anyhow they made the usual comments and asked the usual baby questions, "is this your first, how old, it sure changes your life doesn't it?" The wife excused herself to go pick up the husband's prescription, she told him to stay there and she would come back to get him in a bit. He jokingly reminded her to get him and not some other guy sitting around. We hadn't been there with him more than 2 minutes when he started in on the same round of questions as before. We pretended we hadn't told him the exact same thing just moments earlier. The conversation would go to other things like his family and how long they have lived here and the retirement community he and his wife lived in. He even shared that he had fought in WWII, but every few minutes he would smile at Emilyn and ask the same questions about her, in the same order. We patiently answered them exactly as we had 2 minutes ago and the 2 minutes before that.

In the car on the way home we commented on the wife's commitment to and patience for her husband. Of all the things they have probably seen and experienced in their life together. We wondered where we would be in 60 some odd years. Kyle's hand reached over and grabbed mine as I looked out the window and we rode a few minutes in silence. If we are both still alive then, we will be together. Nobody else can handle our quirks :)

P.S. There was a lady there today who bought a whole cart of pretzels and a whole cart of fruit snacks! Only at Costco will you ever see anything like that. Amazing.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Hey everyone! Life has been nuts at the Scott house. I will eloborate later, but I just have to share a picture of Emilyn. Yes, that is a bottle of white out she is holding and yes, I am a bad mom for letting her play with it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What I Need

I saw this on a friend's face book and thought I would try it out. Go to any search engine (I used Google) type in your first name and "needs" after it. See what you come up with. Here is what Katie "needs":

1) hula lessons
2) your help
3) IV fluids
4) to work on her posture
5) to be on her own
6) a blog
7) parenting classes
8) a life
9) a home
10) new jeans
11) your thoughts and prayers (emotional support and coping techniques)

Most were in reference to Katie Holmes or Katie Couric, but one was in reference to a "special needs" cat that needed a home and #11 I think was a church prayer chain or something.

Here is what Kyle "needs"
1) a hot dog
2) a nickname
3) a chiropractor
4) rum
5) security in family
6) to tidy his desk
7) to retire
8) to jam with someone
9) a strong male "presents" (no that is not my typo)

There wasn't much that came up for Emilyn. I don't see why not, it is such a common name :) Anyhow, if you have a second try it out. If anything it's good for a laugh. Strange how so many of them are actually true. Let me know if you come up with some good ones. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

No Way!

This was the scene in our bathroom two weeks ago.

Emilyn is in the tub happily splashing and flailing her arms about. I am running a washcloth around in her mouth (I had heard it was good for baby's gums). Oh, what is that on her gums? It looks like a little spot of spit up or something. I'll try and wipe it off. Um, it's not coming off. Maybe I should lift her lip up and take a closer look.....

"No Way! KYLE!!! Come look at this!"

Kyle enters and I lift her lip again for him to inspect, hoping what I saw is not what I think it is. Yup, it is. A little tiny bit of a tooth starting to show itself. No wonder she has been drooling like a St. Bernard and chewing on her hand as if it was her last meal.

The tooth hasn't come out much farther since then. It is taking it jolly time, which is perfectly fine by me since she is still breastfeeding. Besides the drool and the need for chewing on things Emi doesn't seem bothered by it either. But it is definitely not what I expected and caught me completely off guard.

On a side note, I was not feeling well at all last Sunday (nasty cold). So Emilyn and I stayed home and got some extra snuggle time in, not to mention a nice nap.

Two weekends ago my brother Jeff was in town and so were Kevin and Jen. Wes, Sara, and the kids came up and we had lunch at Mom and Randy's with the fam. Grandma even came out to Mom's. Emi laughed for the first time at her Uncle Jeff, then later at Uncle Kevin and Daddy. She gets completely exhausted just watching her cousins run around. You can tell she can't wait to be able to get down and play with them. Here she is making Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jen make funny faces to try and get her to smile, which isn't too hard.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Got In!

I just got a voice mail from my advisor and there is room for me in the online Ed. Research class I need! Yeah!!!! Although this requires me to be much more self-motivated than I normally am, at least I get to see my husband and daughter on Tuesdays. I have never been this excited about a class before.

Well, as promised here are some more pics of Emilyn. She is quite the character. At her 4 month appointment this week the doctor gently turned her head to look in her ears and she promptly made it known that she was not pleased with him for doing that. He so diplomatically said, "Oh my, well she sure knows what she likes and doesn't like. If you direct that she will be quite the leader but otherwise she will be a handful." I laughed out loud, mostly because that didn't surprise me one bit. Even for a 4 month old she is very opinionated.

Emi is now in the 50th percentile for height at 24" long and in the 97th percentile in weight at 16.6 pounds. You mathematicians out there you can figure out the exact ounces, anything beyond first grade math takes me too long.

"Hey baby, check out my double chin!"

Taking the Bumbo for a test drive. Thanks again Alisha!

Yum, tasty baby doll. Thanks Uncle Wes, Aunt Sara, Amelia, and Gus.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Keeping Me Awake

Contrary to what you may think, it is not Emilyn's crying keeping me up. It is thoughts like, "Don't forget to put clean clothes in the diaper bag in the morning. What should I make for dinner tomorrow? Whose birthday have I forgotten? Did I remember to lock the car? (my ipod was stolen out of the glovebox of our car and someone took our shovel off the front porch last month during the snowstorm so I am a little paranoid).

Last night my thought was "I hope I can get into the online class I need". As many of you know I am currently working on my master's degree. I am slated to be done this summer (yipee!). One of the classes I have to take is Educational Research (not so yipee!). At my advising appointment a while back I discovered it was offered as an online course in addition to it being offered on campus, but priority is given to those living farther away from Whitworth. I begged and pleaded to get into the class and was put on the waiting list. I will hopefully find out tomorrow if there is a spot for me. If not I will have to take it on campus which means that Tuesdays will be incredibly long days. Since the class starts at 5:30 that wouldn't leave me any time to get home after work to eat dinner, let alone see Emi and Kyle for a minute. The class gets out at 9:30 so I wouldn't get home until 10:00 at night. So I am praying like crazy that I can get into the online class. It would make my life so much easier. I will keep y'all posted.

Stay tuned for some Emilyn pictures and to hear how chubby she was yesterday for her 4 month check up!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Unveiling

Okay so some of you (you know who you are) have been pressuring me to be sending new pictures of Emilyn. I am just not on top of things enough to be doing that on a consistent basis and I don't want to waste the time of those who don't have time to be looking at pictures of our fabulous daughter (although I find that hard to believe). So I am giving in to the ultimate compromise... a blog. This may work and I may stay of top of things on a consistent basis, but then again this just might be my first and last post. We'll see. At least I will appease the Emilyn fans, even if only temporarily.