Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The things we do for our children. Today I drank that completely gross glucose drink for my diabetes testing. If you haven't had the pleasure of doing this, it involves a nasty bottle of what reminds me of the mysterious McDonalds orange drink only doctored up with more sugar and a possible hint of something alcoholic. You have to drink the entire thing in less than 5 minutes and have to do it exactly a half hour before your appointment. Meaning whatever time that may be, you have to drop what you are doing and chug! (Sorry I missed the meeting Linds- now you know why) Bottoms up baby! I didn't throw up- thank goodness. It was a likely possibility considering what I had just consumed. My arm hurts though, apparently my veins were not having one of their better days. The tech had to poke around a bit to get the blood. Youch! I will find out hopefully soon if I passed or if I need to go back for the 3-hour test.

Everything else at the appointment went well. Baby Scottie (yes, we are calling him Scottie Scott) is doing well and amazingly not measuring big like Emilyn was. Sure feels like it though. Apparently I have only gained 7 pounds this pregnancy. I smiled at the Doctor when she told me that but thought in my head, "that's nice of you to say, but I'm pretty sure your scale is messed up honey. I don't pay your to flatter me. Besides that doesn't count the 25 or so pounds I never lost from Emilyn!" Anyhow, the count down is on with only 10 weeks to go! Oh man, I sure have a lot to do. Thinking about it makes me tired. I better get to bed. Hopefully my arm won't be so sore tomorrow.


  1. There is nothing worse than that ridiculous test - well, except labor maybe, but at least you get to come home w/ a little one in your arms :). I'm glad you're hanging in there - and PLEASE name him Scottie Scott. please!

  2. I hated that test! The only time my veins were good was when I was pregnant. Everytime they try and draw blood, it involves multiple pokes and LOTS of digging. Don't they know how much that hurts!!! I can't believe you are only 10 weeks away. So crazy!

  3. 7 pounds?! are you serious?! so jealous over here!!! and i hate the stupid glucose test. i had to take the 3 hour one with both levi and benjamin and ended up passing them both. such a waste of time! ;) good luck!
    p.s. and i am lovin' the name scottie scott! :)
