So I don't know if this is a boy thing or what, but Emilyn has never been one to abscond things and hide them in weird places. Ashton on the other hand loves finding the most random crap and putting it in an even more random place for me to find. Here are a few of his treasures I have discovered.

Why yes superman, I do need that casserole dish. Thank you very much.

I left this one for Kyle to find.

Me while giving the kids a bath: "Kyle will you grab the body wash?"
Kyle: "Sure, where is it?"
Me: "In the washing machine of course.".
True story.

Pop some popcorn and grab a Dr. Pepper to drink while watching Spirit. I can somewhat understand his reasoning behind putting this there. Wait a minute, a one-year-old reasoning? Wow, I AM that frazzled tired mom of toddlers!

Don't make fun of me for owning tapes. They are sentimental sermons from Charlie McCall from my time spent at
The Hill many moons ago. (Yes, I just said many moons) Kyle insists I need to do some purging. I chose to keep them because I WILL listen to these sermons again. Gosh darn it! As soon as I can find the tape player.
I think I own a tape player.
Hmmm, maybe I do need to purge a little.

The culprit himself. Playing in the tub toy box. I love that little stinker. And I'm thankful he hasn't started hiding food for me to find.
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