Christmas day! Emilyn thankfully slept in a little since we were at Kyle's parents so late. I made a yummy caramel roll, bacon, egg, and juice breakfast. Making breakfast was pure delight. The whole time I kept thinking, "I don't have to hand wash all these dishes!" We spent a leisurely morning in our jammies opening gifts and taking it easy.
We later headed to cousin Nick and Megan's for the big Skaufel get together complete with aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and any other relative we could muster up. Emilyn had loads of fun playing with the kids and running around being generally crazy.
Fishing with Gus
Opening presents (yet again)
Grandma in Lyla's chair, man they sure don't make chairs the same as they used to.
An attempt at Grandma with the great-grandkids.
Having fun tickling everyone's feet.
Papa Randy serenading Anna.
katie, i can't believe how grown up she looks! we have to see you guys soon!! :)