Well, as promised here are some more pics of Emilyn. She is quite the character. At her 4 month appointment this week the doctor gently turned her head to look in her ears and she promptly made it known that she was not pleased with him for doing that. He so diplomatically said, "Oh my, well she sure knows what she likes and doesn't like. If you direct that she will be quite the leader but otherwise she will be a handful." I laughed out loud, mostly because that didn't surprise me one bit. Even for a 4 month old she is very opinionated.
Emi is now in the 50th percentile for height at 24" long and in the 97th percentile in weight at 16.6 pounds. You mathematicians out there you can figure out the exact ounces, anything beyond first grade math takes me too long.
"Hey baby, check out my double chin!"
Taking the Bumbo for a test drive. Thanks again Alisha!
Yum, tasty baby doll. Thanks Uncle Wes, Aunt Sara, Amelia, and Gus.
Gotta love the Bumbo. I'm so glad you were able to get into your class. That will make it so much easier on you.