To celebrate the official first day of spring break, Kyle and I took Emilyn to Costco. Wahoo! I am not used to running errands in the middle of the day, but when I do I am always impressed with the number of people out and about. Who knew that it would be so busy at 11:30 on a week day. What does the rest of the world do all day? Don't they have jobs or something? I know they can't all be teachers on spring break (although I did see Melanie and Jonah, but that's only 1 in a huge crowd).
Anyhow, we got our things and decided to treat ourselves to a Costco lunch. Kyle just had to get a sausage dog. Ugh. Whenever he does that, I can smell it on his breath for a week. It's the sausage that just keeps going. I guess you get your money's worth that way.
I think someone should do a study on Costco food court culture. (I really only say that because I am taking an Ed. Research class and have research on the brain). There are never enough tables for everyone and all the food is Costco sized portion, hence you can't eat it easily in the car (plus it's bad enough that Kyle's breath smells like sausage, I really don't want that aroma in my car as well) so you are forced to eat there. Well, you know how it goes, you stand there scaning the tables hoping to find two seats together and hope beyond everyhing that it isn't next to the crazy looking people and their gross kids who are running around screaming.
Today we ended up next to a nice looking older couple. They immediately commented on how happy our little boy was (they must not have seen the flowers on Emilyn's bib and sleeves, but to their defense it was a tealish blue shirt with brown pants). Anyhow they made the usual comments and asked the usual baby questions, "is this your first, how old, it sure changes your life doesn't it?" The wife excused herself to go pick up the husband's prescription, she told him to stay there and she would come back to get him in a bit. He jokingly reminded her to get him and not some other guy sitting around. We hadn't been there with him more than 2 minutes when he started in on the same round of questions as before. We pretended we hadn't told him the exact same thing just moments earlier. The conversation would go to other things like his family and how long they have lived here and the retirement community he and his wife lived in. He even shared that he had fought in WWII, but every few minutes he would smile at Emilyn and ask the same questions about her, in the same order. We patiently answered them exactly as we had 2 minutes ago and the 2 minutes before that.
In the car on the way home we commented on the wife's commitment to and patience for her husband. Of all the things they have probably seen and experienced in their life together. We wondered where we would be in 60 some odd years. Kyle's hand reached over and grabbed mine as I looked out the window and we rode a few minutes in silence. If we are both still alive then, we will be together. Nobody else can handle our quirks :)
P.S. There was a lady there today who bought a whole cart of pretzels and a whole cart of fruit snacks! Only at Costco will you ever see anything like that. Amazing.