Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On the first day of Christmas

Christmas started on the 23rd for us. Kyle kicked Emilyn and I out of the house for what was supposed to be the day. He had a secret project to work on and needed us out of the way. I took the opportunity to visit Grandma and had her teach me the fine art of making traditional Norwegian Christmas krumkaka. It was amazing to watch her work. As I watched, she told me how her mother-in-law gave her the recipe, iron, and roller over 30 years ago and tutored the girls in how to make the traditional dessert. She has made them every year since then. After a few demonstrations, Grandma gave me a turn at the skillet. Mine definitely didn't turn out as uniform and pretty as hers, but maybe that will come with 30 years of practice.

Later Emi and I went to Mom's to wait out the rest of the day speculating what Kyle could be working on at home. As the hours crept by I became more and more impatient. He finally called around 7:00 and said I could come home at 11:00. I decided to just stay the night at Mom's rather than drive back to town that late. Kyle said that would be better because there were still some pretty strong fumes in the house. Jeff, Kevin, and Jen got in from Portland and Puyallup later that night. It was fun to be there when they got in. We stayed up way too late making bets on Kyle's project and woke up the next morning to a great breakfast. I haven't stayed the night at Mom's in a long time, I felt like I was 12 all over again...only in a good way.

Emilyn and I finally packed up and headed home later that morning. We were welcomed by a dishwasher and new kitchen counters! I just about a good way. I know it sounds lame, but after living without a dishwasher for as long as I have you come to appreciate the things most people take for granted. Kyle had worked long into the night making sure the dishwasher was installed correctly and all hooked up by the time I got home. What a guy!