Here is Emilyn "helping" take things down.
Emilyn is now very much into crawling around, pulling herself up onto things and cruising around. Which is incredibly liberating for her, but equally nerve wracking for me. She has taken a few little spills and gotten some little bumps and bruises to show for it. I didn't realize how un-baby proof my house is! (and how dirty my floors are - yikes, we now do baths more frequently)
She has figured out that if she stands on her tiptoes and stretches she can just barely reach the top of my desk to discover all kinds of fun things.
There are all kinds of new things growing in my garden. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of some fresh peas, cucumbers, and squash later this summer. Here's to hoping I can keep things alive that long! Here is the master gardener at work, little miss green thumb.
For my birthday, Kyle got me a new camera. Yeah! I took a bunch of pictures, but when I put them on the computer quite a few of them had weird lines through them. Not so yeah. Back to Costco we go. Grrr.
With the hot weather, we couldn't resist getting Emi her own little pool. Even though the water was pretty cold, she LOVED it! She cried when I took her out.
Emilyn loves her cousins (okay so that's not so new, but I couldn't resist putting this one in).
And one last one...