I saw this on a friend's face book and thought I would try it out. Go to any search engine (I used Google) type in your first name and "needs" after it. See what you come up with. Here is what Katie "needs":
1) hula lessons
2) your help
3) IV fluids
4) to work on her posture
5) to be on her own
6) a blog
7) parenting classes
8) a life
9) a home
10) new jeans
11) your thoughts and prayers (emotional support and coping techniques)
Most were in reference to Katie Holmes or Katie Couric, but one was in reference to a "special needs" cat that needed a home and #11 I think was a church prayer chain or something.
Here is what Kyle "needs"
1) a hot dog
2) a nickname
3) a chiropractor
4) rum
5) security in family
6) to tidy his desk
7) to retire
8) to jam with someone
9) a strong male "presents" (no that is not my typo)
There wasn't much that came up for Emilyn. I don't see why not, it is such a common name :) Anyhow, if you have a second try it out. If anything it's good for a laugh. Strange how so many of them are actually true. Let me know if you come up with some good ones. Enjoy!